Ancillary Services

Due Diligence
With a combination of a highly adept deal advisory team and a comprehensive due diligence checklist, Nimai follows a detailed process to cover the financial and commercial due diligence of the mandate. All the way from analyzing the business model to any relevant external information, we have a systematic process that focuses on the most critical elements of the transaction. Our experienced team members have an eye for detail and the due diligence is carried out in an objective manner. We look for key areas in financials which may have direct bearing on future operations of the firm. It is our job to ensure key risks are adequately identified in the business and its financials. Detailed work is done to ensure that they’re being satisfactorily addressed. Adapting to the times, Nimai has now integrated remote due diligence into its approach.
Feasibility Studies

With the objective of assessing and demonstrating whether the project is economically viable, our team of professionals perform a feasibility study at par with international standards. Nimai helps the key-decision makers understand the potential outcome of the investment in the project.

Leveraging decades of experience, the team addresses the technical issues as well as the broader commercial, economic and social issues. From breaking down the financial costs and risks to the current competitive landscape to the market demographics, the study is comprehensive and details the resources and budget needed to successfully execute the project.


Business valuation requires us to understand not only the operations in depth, but also its future plans, the current market scenario and its competitors. Nimai has conducted business valuation for corporates belonging to a wide range of industries, across different geographies.

We bring in accomplished professionals who derive the value drivers of the business, and provide an overview of the industry, while discussing the economic scenario, in order to arrive at its market value. We use different methodologies such as discounted cash flows, comparable company multiple, earnings multiplier and others, in accordance with the business and its industry. The assumptions on the basis of which the projections have been forecasted, are reviewed in order to perform an adequate SWOT and risk analysis. We take into account local conditions, dynamics and business environment, making adjustments to valuation process where necessary to provide an independent view on the value of the business.

Information Memorandum

One of the biggest keys to landing a financier/lender for your firm is the information memorandum. It is a document that provides a complete overview of your business including an in-depth analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities to be capitalized on, and the threats faced by the competitors and other market factors. This wherein lies the key differentiation for Nimai.

As an investment banking advisory firm with more than a decade under its belt and a global network of financial institutions and fund-houses, we are abreast of the appetite of different kinds of lenders and are well-versed in the preparation of this critical document, which can be the reason behind the make-or-break decision.

With the aim of covering all the favorable and unfavorable factors related to the business, that would go into the decision-making process, we design this document in the light of the business being a strategic fit for the lender.